
Shandy DeBerge

Miscellaneous Information

Miscellaneous Information

Shandy is a wife and mother of two and has proudly called Kansas home since 2013 when she and her husband got married and decided to plant their roots here. Her dad moved to Kansas when she was a child and she fell in love with it here. After many trips back and forth from Kansas to Colorado as a child, she knew she wanted to call Kansas home once she and her husband got married.

Shandy spends her days being active with her son and daughter. They love being outside and spend a lot of their time together on walks or in the kitchen baking treats from scratch.

Shandy has been on the opposite side of Real Estate many times through buying and purchasing homes which she feels helps her to better assist her clients since she has been through the process herself. She wants to make sure she can help make the process as easy for you as possible.

Shandy is very outgoing and has a passion for people. Getting to connect with others and help pave a smooth path for them when buying or selling their home is what drew her to this career. She is proud to be a part of HOMEFRONT and looks forward to assisting her clients with honesty, integrity, professionalism, and care.

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